Cotton Prices: How They Impact Your Brand's Costs (And What You Can Do)

Behind your favorite t-shirt lies a complex story of cotton prices.

Behind your favorite t-shirt lies a complex story of cotton prices.

It is easy for your supplier (whether it be a factory or a wholesale blank provider) to blame rising costs on cotton prices. But cotton is a commodity, and its pricing is transparent. I'll give you resources below to track it yourself.

Sometimes cotton prices spike due to floods, droughts, etc. – and your supplier will pass those costs onto you.  

Understanding Cotton's Impact

Cotton can represent up to 40% of a 100% cotton tee shirt's cost. Other factors (shipping, labor) make up the rest. If cotton prices increase by 10%, expect your tee costs to rise by 4%.

Current Market Snapshot

Key Trends Impacting Cotton Prices

  • The Sustainability Imperative: Demand for sustainable cotton (organic, Better Cotton Initiative []) is rising. This could lead to higher prices for these types of cotton. 

  • Competition from Synthetics: Cheaper fibers like polyester compete with cotton, impacting its price.

What Goes Up... Doesn't Always Come Down

Suppliers rarely offer price decreases when cotton costs fall. I've never seen it in 22 years!

Protect Yourself

Benchmark cotton prices when doing your costing – use current market data or historical trends. This gives you leverage for negotiating accurate pricing based on real market data.  


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